광주에서 메르스 의심환자가 발생했다

2016-08-17     박수진
Hand sanitizers and masks to avoid infection with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are seen inside a hospital which is sealed off temporarily, in Seoul, South Korea, June 16, 2015. MERS has infected 162 people in South Korea, with 20 fatalities, in its largest outbreak outside Saudi Arabia. All of the infections known to have occurred in South Korea took place in health care facilities. Thousands of Koreans have been put under quarantine, including those inside two hospitals that are unde ⓒKim Hong-Ji / Reuters

광주시는 17일 “오후 2시께 서구에 거주하는 ㄱ(39)씨가 발열과 기침 증세를 호소해 국가지정 격리병동으로 옮겨 메르스 감염 여부를 조사하고 있다”고 밝혔다.

ㄱ씨는 지난 4월15일 중동으로 출국해 11일 입국하기 전까지 아랍에미리트(UAE) 루와이스에 체류한 것으로 전해졌다.