'더락'의 강아지 브루투스, 독버섯을 먹고 죽다

2015-10-01     박수진

얼마 전 프렌치불독 두 마리를 입양했다. 누렁이의 이름은 브루투스, 얼룩이의 이름은 홉스다. 이 물색 없는 아가들은 아직 개헤엄도 못 치면서 풀장으로 다이빙해 더락의 가슴을 철렁하게 했다. 특히 브루투스가 말이다.

Here's a fun Labor Day weekend story... We just decided to add two new members to our Johnson family. Baby French Bulldogs. In my right hand is BRUTUS and in my left hand is HOBBS. Bring them home and immediately take them outside so they can start learning how to "handle their business and potty like big boys". I set them both down and they both take off in a full sprint and fall right into the deep end of our pool. HOBBS immediately starts doggy paddling while BRUTUS (like a brick) sink heads first to the bottom of the pool. I take off into a full sprint, fully clothed, dive in the pool, swim to the bottom, rescue my brick, I mean BRUTUS and bring him back to the edge of the pool. He was a little delirious.. took a moment, threw up all the water he swallowed and looked up at me as if to say, "Thank God you didn't have to give me mouth to mouth!" and then ran off to play with his brother. A few lessons I've learned today.. A) Not all puppies have the instinct to doggie paddle. B) Some puppies (like BRUTUS) will be so in shock by experiencing water they will sink extremely fast so react quick. C) While spiriting to save your puppies life, before you dive in, try and throw your cel phone to safety. Don't keep it in your pocket... like I did. #BRUTUSLives #HOBBSCanSwim #MyCelPhonesDead #AndNoMouthToMouthNeeded #HappyLaborDay

Sep 7, 2015 at 3:35pm PDT

더락은 이 소식에 덧붙여 "집 마당, 공원, 어디든 개들이 노는 야외에서는 버섯들을 조심하라고 말해주고 싶다. 아무 문제 없어 보이는 것들도 당신의 작은 가족 구성원에게는 치명적일 수 있다"고 당부했다.