

미국인 관광객이 북한을 여행하고 인스타그램에 사진을 올렸다. 매우, 인스타그램적인 사진을.

ⓒTaylor Pemberton

여기 어쩌면 당신이 지금까지 본 가장 '인스타그램적'으로 근사한, 북한 사진들이 있다.

허핑턴포스트UK가 소개한 이 사진들은 미국 미네소타 주의 테일러 펨버튼이 관광 비자로 북한에 5일간 머물면서 찍어서 인스타그램에 올린 사진들이다. 그에 따르면 사진 촬영은 기본적으로 꽤 자유로웠단다. "카메라와 사진을 세밀하게 조사하지는 않습니다. 다만, 입국 시 전화, 카메라, 메모리 카드는 검사합니다."

여행하는 동안 계속 2명의 가드가 동행을 했지만 테일러에 따르면 이들은 일종의 연락책이었다. "때로는 이해하기 힘든 광경도 있었지만, 저에게는 정신적으로도 감정적으로도 도전이 되는 경험이었습니다."

아래 사진들을 통해 지금 북한의 모습을 엿보자.

거리에서 자동차를 수리하려 엔진을 보고 있다. 다른 나라에서와 같은 일상이 북한에도 있다.

평양역. 공항에 도착하자마자 중국에서 온 다른 여행자들과 합류했다.

어떤 상황에서도 군인의 촬영은 금지되어 있다. 이 사진은 달리는 고속 버스 안에서 찍은 것이지만, 이 규칙은 되도록이면 지키는 편이 좋을 것이다.

Hospitality is taken very seriously in North Korea. The Yanggakdo hotel is perfectly staffed with a wide array of workers to always suit your needs. Food is plentiful, rooms are tidy, the entire presentation feels very grandeur. Since you can't leave the hotel, you have several amenities that exist throughout the building: various shops, a casino, several restaurants, a bowling alley, a billiards room, a karaoke room, ping pong, and more. This shot was taken at the rooftop restaurant, which is a 360 degree panorama room that slowly rotates during open hours. This was a popular hangout spot where we'd drink beer and enjoy each others company, particularly favorable since everything felt so eccentric and retro. #contrateur

A photo posted by Taylor Pemberton (@pemberton) on

북한에서는 '환대'가 매우 소중한 예절이다. 양각도 호텔에는 직원이 많고 손님의 부름에 잘 대답해준다. 식당, 카지노, 숍도 있고 방도 깨끗하고 훌륭한 호텔이다.

North Korea has no internet, no television, no free information. This is the only public news I saw in Pyongyang, where each headline and each image is a tribute to the DPRK and great leader. It's difficult to wrap your head around the sheer magnitude this imposes for an ecosystem and it's people. Want to openly make art? Want to free listen to music, or watch films? Want to create or learn anything outside the constructs of formal structure? Sorry, not possible. Even something as trivial as Instagram has had a huge impact on my ability to grow creatively. I'm able to practice the art of photography and documentary. I can be inspired by people I've never met. I feel the competition, the pressure to keep growing and exploring. I don't know where I'd be without the accessibility of free information. I grew up on the Internet. I've formed my own conclusions. And for that, I feel very grateful. #contrateur

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북한 거리에서는 인터넷도 텔레비전도 볼 수 없었다. 이것이 내가 평양에서 유일하게 본 공공 뉴스 스탠드다.

지하철역은 지하 100m 깊이에 있다. 화려한데다 현지인도 만날 수 있는 매력적인 장소다.

As I mentioned before, you're only supposed to see what North Korea allows. ???? #contrateur

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이미 말한 적 있지만, 당신이 북한에서 뭘 볼 수 있는지는 오직 북한이 결정한다.

비무장지대에 동행한 나의 연락책. 그는 매우 친절하고 느긋했다.

북한에 머무르는 동안 새로운 표준 시간이 도입됐다. 이는 북한이 독립적인 나라라는 것을 강조하기 위해서라고 한다.

북한에 도착해서 먼저하지 않으면 안 되는 것은 위대한 김일성과 김정일에 경의를 표하는 것이다.

여행자는 일반인들로부터 격리되어 있어서 주민들은 대부분 촬영할 수가 없다. 내가 이전에 한 남성의 사진을 촬영할 수 있었던 것은 '해방기념일'의 축하 매스 게임에 모두가 정신이 없었기 때문이다.

On the flight over to North Korea, you're able to already sense the extreme devotion and dedication to the late Kim Il-Sung. Even though Il-Sung hasn't been alive since the 90s, the DPRK inhabitants consider him their president and outright great leader. When traveling through various cities, his presence and lineage is on constant display, with many residents proudly displaying pins on their clothing and with various monuments at popular transit points. It's difficult to find a representation of Il-Sung or his family that hasn't been artificially fabricated, and most of the history we discussed contained precomposed images to support various historical references. It was clear that no matter what, you pay respect to the great leader and to his rich family history that exists in North Korea today. #contrateur

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김일성은 1990년에 죽었지만 북한 사람들은 아직도 그를 리더로서 갈망한다.

Before I go any further, I feel it’s important to preface the content I’m about to share. With a country/topic like North Korea, I’d like to be as honest with my observations as possible. Many people have asked me how you gain access to a country that is so restricted. It’s pretty easy, even as an American. What you’ll need is simply time and money. This image is the visa that I was granted about a week before my flight. I flew from Beijing to Pyongyang, while non-Americans were able to cross the border from Dandong by rail. I got this visa because I applied via the various tourism companies that service North Korea. My trip was 4 days, and we had two guides: one male, one female. It’s also important to note that you are NOT able to roam free at any given time. You follow a strict itinerary and you are on a tight schedule to see what North Korea allows. You stay in a hotel that is isolated on an island, and you are strictly informed when it is okay/not okay to take photos. However! with thousands of visitors each year, the fabric loosens, and that’s where things start to get interesting. You're able to witness the the imperfections, the infinite nuances... the hiccups that reveal why some foreigners have become so obsessed and return year after year to live with what exists behind the curtain. I’ll admit, it was a tough decision to fork over the money to travel to North Korea. There are serious things to consider, not all of which I’m comfortable supporting. I've been debating this trip for over 9 months, and it wasn’t until 4 weeks ago that I finally pulled the trigger. The flight in from Beijing was short, and when we touched down in Pyongyang, I was nervous. In fact, I don’t think I was ever fully at ease. I’m not by any means the first to visit North Korea. There were other foreigners all visiting Pyongyang when I was there. I was lucky to get paired with an insightful and intelligent group of 6 other travelers, ranging from 25 to 71 years old. My family was worried, so were my friends, but I went because the DPRK is so complicated. It was ultimately a tough decision, but one that was so so worth it. #contrateur

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북한에 입국하기 위한 비자. 많은 사람들은 나에게 어떻게 북한 처럼 제한된 국가의 비자를 받을 수 있냐고 묻는다. 간단하다. 시간과 돈만 있으면 미국인도 북한에 갈 수 있다.

Down the alleyway (outside of Pyongyang proper) leaving a smaller city we ate lunch at. #contrateur

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