

우한 시내에서 숨진 채 목격된 남성의 사진이 빠르게 퍼지고 있다

60대로 추정되는 이 남성은 반듯이 누운 자세로 숨져 있었다.

  • 허완
  • 입력 2020.01.31 17:26
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images

신종 코로나바이러스의 진원지로 지목되는 중국 우한의 길거리에서 한 남성이 숨져있는 모습이 목격됐다. 이 사진을 촬영한 AFP통신은 이 남성의 사망 원인을 확인할 수 없었다고 밝혔다.

30일 오전 촬영됐다는 이 사진들에는 백발의 한 남성이 문을 닫은 가구점 앞 인도 위에 쓰러져있고 그 주위에 전신 보호복을 착용한 방역요원들이 상태를 살피는 모습이 담겼다. 

이 남성은 오른손에 비닐봉지를 든 채 반듯이 누운 자세로 인도 위에 숨져있었다고 AFP는 전했다. 길가에는 경찰차와 구급차가 있었다.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images


방역요원들이 숨져있는 이 남성의 상태를 확인한 이후 동료들은 곧바로 이들에게 소독약을 뿌렸고, 근처에서 담배를 피우고 있던 한 남성은 경찰로부터 ‘담배를 끄고 마스크를 착용하라’는 말을 들었다고 AFP는 전했다. 

AFP는 현장을 지킨 두 시간 동안 최소 15대의 구급차가 이곳을 지나쳐갔다고 보도했다. 바로 다음 블록에는 우한 시내 신종 코로나바이러스 중점 치료 의료기관 중 하나인 ‘우한 6번 병원’이 있다.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images


AFP는 “60대로 보이는 이 남성이 어떻게 사망했는지 확인할 수 없었다”며 ”이후 경찰과 지역 보건당국 관계자들에게 문의했지만 구체적인 답을 듣지 못했다”고 보도했다.

″그러나 방호복을 입은 경찰과 의료진들과 일부 행인들의 반응은 도시를 뒤덮은 공포를 잘 보여준다”고 이 매체는 전했다.

인근을 지나던 한 여성은 이 남성이 바이러스 감염으로 사망했을 거라고 말했다. ”끔찍하다. 요즘 많은 사람들이 죽었다.”

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on January 30, 2020 shows officials in protective suits checking on an elderly man wearing a facemask who collapsed and died on a street near a hospital in Wuhan. (Photo by Hector RETAMAL / AFP) ⓒHECTOR RETAMAL via Getty Images


우한에서는 신종 코로나바이러스로 인한 전체 사망자 213명 중 159명이 나왔다. 도시에는 전례없는 수준의 봉쇄령이 내려졌고, 각종 교통수단은 모두 차단됐다. 인구가 1100만명에 달하는 이 거대한 도시에서 어딘가로 이동하려면 걷거나 자전거를 타야 하는 상황이다.

AFP는 우한 시내에서 진찰을 받기 위해 주민들이 병원 바깥에서 길게 줄을 섰고, 일부 주민들은 이틀을 기다렸다고 말했다고 현지 상황을 전했다.

보도에 따르면, 이 남성은 마침내 도착한 하얀색 밴에 태워졌다. 그의 시신은 노란색 가방에 담겼고 지퍼가 채워졌다. 창문 없는 밴은 이 남성을 태우고 현장을 떠났다.

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