

가정폭력 피해자의 엑스레이 사진을 내건 전시회

이탈리아 밀라노의 한 병원이다

  • 박세회
  • 입력 2019.11.26 15:39
  • 수정 2019.11.26 16:45
A doctor looks at an x-ray of a woman's broken wrist displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25.  (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A doctor looks at an x-ray of a woman's broken wrist displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

사진 한 장이 열 마디 말보다 강한 의미를 전달한다.

AFP에 따르면 이탈리아 밀라노의 산 카를로 보로메오 병원은 지난 25일부터 가정폭력 피해자들의 부러진 뼈를 찍은 엑스레이 사진을 내거는 전시회를 열고 있다. 

이 아이디어를 낸 것은 이 병원에 근무하는 59세의 외상외과전문의 마리아 그라치아 반타도리다. 그는 26년간 외과의로 근무하며 맞닥뜨려야 했던 삭막한 현실을 있는 그대로 보여주고 싶었다고 한다.

An x-ray of a woman's broken hand bone is displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25.  (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
An x-ray of a woman's broken hand bone is displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

반타도리는 ”나는 이 사진들이 선혈이 낭자하는 장면이 아니기를 바랐다. 가짜가 아닌 진짜, 진실을 보여주고 싶었다”라며 ”엑스레이의 장점은 우리가 모두 거의 비슷하다는 걸 보여준다는 점이다”라고 밝혔다. 내 뼈와 같은 모습을 한 뼈가 부러져 있는 사진들 보는 것은 고통이며 공감이다.

A doctor looks at an x-ray of a woman's broken leg displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25.  (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A doctor looks at an x-ray of a woman's broken leg displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

사진 중에는 한 여성의 배에 큰 칼이 꽂혀있는 것도 있다. 아래 사진이다. 투명한 토르소 뒤로 희미하게 배에 꽂힌 거대한 칼날이 보인다. 

Doctors look at an x-ray showing a woman's chest pierced by a knife, displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25.  (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
Doctors look at an x-ray showing a woman's chest pierced by a knife, displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

AFP는 2018년 이탈리아에서 142명의 여성이 가정폭력으로 사망했다고 밝혔다. 지난 5년간 육체적, 성적인 학대를 당한 여성은 53만8000명이다. 

A doctor looks at a a photograph and an x-ray of a woman's broken wrist displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25.  (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
A doctor looks at a a photograph and an x-ray of a woman's broken wrist displayed during the exhibition 'Invisibility is not a super power' which includes x-ray's of anonymous women who arrived at the hospital's emergency room claiming to be victims of violence, at the San Carlo Hospital, in Milan, Italy, Friday, Nov. 22, 2019. The exhibition, a combination of photographs and x-rays, was promoted on the occasion of the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which takes place on Nov. 25. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

반타도리는 타임매거진에 ”종종 응급실에 실려 온 여성 중에는 자신이 당한 일을 어떻게 말해야 하는지 모르는 사람도 있다”라며 ”‘폭력’에 희생당했다는 사실을 곧바로 깨닫지 못한다”라고 밝혔다.

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