

엄청난 기세의 캘리포니아 산불로 5만여 명에게 대피령이 떨어졌다(사진)

현재진행형 재난이다

Vines surround a burning building as the Kincade Fire burns through the Jimtown community of unincorporated Sonoma County, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Vines surround a burning building as the Kincade Fire burns through the Jimtown community of unincorporated Sonoma County, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

미국 캘리포니아주(州) 로스앤젤레스(LA) 북부에 강풍에 산불이 빠르게 번지면서 이 지역 주민 5만여명에 대해 대피령이 떨어졌다.

24일(현지시간) AFP통신에 따르면 소방당국은 LA에서 북쪽으로 약 65km 떨어진 산타클래리타 인근에서 화재가 발생해 2023헥타르(ha)를 순식간에 불태웠다고 밝혔다. 인명피해는 아직 보고되지 않았다.

(아래 사진 및 기사 계속)

Flames consume a home as the Kincade Fire tears through the Jimtown community of Sonoma County, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Flames consume a home as the Kincade Fire tears through the Jimtown community of Sonoma County, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

이미 일부 주택과 건물들이 불길에 휩싸이면서 당국은 주요 고속도로와 많은 도로들을 차단했다. 당국은 현재 500여명의 소방관과 헬리콥터들이 동원돼 화재를 진압 중이다.

지난 23일 오후 캘리포니아 북부 와인컨트리에서도 약 6500ha에 달하는 면적을 휩쓰는 화재가 발생하면서 2000여명이 대피 명령을 받았다.

(아래 사진 및 기사 계속)

Embers fly across a roadway as the Kincade Fire burns through the Jimtown community of Sonoma County, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Embers fly across a roadway as the Kincade Fire burns through the Jimtown community of Sonoma County, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

소노마 카운티 당국은 산악 지역에서 발생한 산불이 시속 113km나 되는 돌풍에 의해 빠르게 퍼지면서 고속도로를 지나 주택가로 번졌다고 전했다. 이에 따라 게이서빌 마을과 인근 포도밭에 있던 주민들은 급히 대피해야 했다.

게이서빌 주민들은 화염이 너무 빠르게 마을을 덮쳐와 미처 소지품을 챙길 여유도 없었다고 호소했다. 드와이트 몬슨(68)은 LA타임스에 ”우리는 그래도 불길에서 2마일은 떨어져 있었다고 생각했다”며 ”하지만 바람이 문제였다”고 말했다.

마크 에식 소노마 카운티 보안관은 ”산불이 우리 지역을 초토화시킨지 불과 2년밖에 안 지났다”며 ”많은 사람들이 스트레스를 받고 있고 불안한 시간을 보내고 있다”고 말했다.

(아래 사진 및 기사 계속)

Embers fly from a tree as the Kincade Fire burns near Geyserville, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. Portions of Northern California remain in the dark after Pacific Gas & Electric Co. cut power to prevent wildfires from sparking during dry and windy conditions. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Embers fly from a tree as the Kincade Fire burns near Geyserville, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. Portions of Northern California remain in the dark after Pacific Gas & Electric Co. cut power to prevent wildfires from sparking during dry and windy conditions. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS
A vehicle lays destroyed from the flames of the Tick Fire while a SoCal Gas worker assesses the damage of a nearby home in Santa Clarita, Calif. on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/ Christian Monterrosa)
A vehicle lays destroyed from the flames of the Tick Fire while a SoCal Gas worker assesses the damage of a nearby home in Santa Clarita, Calif. on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/ Christian Monterrosa) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

LA 동부에 있는 샌버나디노 카운티에서도 또 다른 산불이 발생해 약 30ha를 불태우면서 주민 대피 명령이 떨어졌다.

기상청은 25일 강풍이 조금 수그러들 것으로 예측했지만 27일부터 다시 거센 돌풍이 불 것이라고 경고했다. 캘리포니아 지방은 해마다 이 시기가 되면 건조하고 높은 기온의 바람이 세게 불어 산불 발생이 잦다. 2017~2018년 발생한 산불로 100명이 넘는 사망자가 나오기도 했다.

(아래 사진 및 기사 계속)

Brandon Mani covers his face from the smoke created by a wildfire as he walks along Highway 14 Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
Brandon Mani covers his face from the smoke created by a wildfire as he walks along Highway 14 Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS
A burnt house lays flooded as leftover flames from the Tick fire continue to burn in the Santa Clarita, Calif. on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019 (AP Photo/ Christian Monterrosa)
A burnt house lays flooded as leftover flames from the Tick fire continue to burn in the Santa Clarita, Calif. on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019 (AP Photo/ Christian Monterrosa) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS
A member of the news media watches flames from a wildfire along Sierra Highway Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
A member of the news media watches flames from a wildfire along Sierra Highway Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS
A firefighter makes a stand as a wildfire approaches the backyard of a home Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
A firefighter makes a stand as a wildfire approaches the backyard of a home Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS
A resident evacuates with his dogs as a wildfire approaches Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. The flames are fed by dry winds that are predicted to strengthen throughout the day across the region. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
A resident evacuates with his dogs as a wildfire approaches Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. The flames are fed by dry winds that are predicted to strengthen throughout the day across the region. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS
Police walk along a street as they try to evacuate residents as a wildfire approaches Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
Police walk along a street as they try to evacuate residents as a wildfire approaches Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019, in Santa Clarita, Calif. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) ⓒASSOCIATED PRESS

해당 지역 미국 전력회사들은 화재를 예방하기 위해 캘리포니아 북부 18만가구에 대해 전력 공급을 차단한다고 밝혔지만 일부 고압 송전선이 여전히 가동 중이었던 것으로 알려졌다. 이들은 화재 위험을 줄이기 위해 추가적인 정전 조치를 취할 수 있다고 밝혔다.

퍼시픽 가스 앤 일렉트릭(PG&E)은 소방당국에 화재 발생지역 인근 송전탑에서 점퍼연결기가 고장났다고 신고했다. 빌 존슨 PG&E 최고경영자(CEO)는 ”우리는 규정에 따라 움직였고 지금도 정확히 무슨 일이 일어났는지 모른다”고 말했다.

(아래 사진 계속)

Structures burn at a vineyard during the Kincade fire near Geyserville, California on October 24, 2019. - fast-moving wildfire roared through California wine country early Thursday, as authorities warned of the imminent danger of more fires across much of the Golden State. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County kicked up Wednesday night, quickly growing from a blaze of a few hundred acres into an uncontained 10,000-acre (4,000-hectare) inferno, California fire and law enforcement officials said. (Photo by Josh Edelson / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Structures burn at a vineyard during the Kincade fire near Geyserville, California on October 24, 2019. - fast-moving wildfire roared through California wine country early Thursday, as authorities warned of the imminent danger of more fires across much of the Golden State. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County kicked up Wednesday night, quickly growing from a blaze of a few hundred acres into an uncontained 10,000-acre (4,000-hectare) inferno, California fire and law enforcement officials said. (Photo by Josh Edelson / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images) ⓒJOSH EDELSON via Getty Images
A photographer takes photos amidst a shower of embers as wind and flames rip through the area during the Kincade fire near Geyserville, California on October 24, 2019. - fast-moving wildfire roared through California wine country early Thursday, as authorities warned of the imminent danger of more fires across much of the Golden State. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County kicked up Wednesday night, quickly growing from a blaze of a few hundred acres into an uncontained 10,000-acre (4,000-hectare) inferno, California fire and law enforcement officials said. (Photo by Josh Edelson / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)
A photographer takes photos amidst a shower of embers as wind and flames rip through the area during the Kincade fire near Geyserville, California on October 24, 2019. - fast-moving wildfire roared through California wine country early Thursday, as authorities warned of the imminent danger of more fires across much of the Golden State. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County kicked up Wednesday night, quickly growing from a blaze of a few hundred acres into an uncontained 10,000-acre (4,000-hectare) inferno, California fire and law enforcement officials said. (Photo by Josh Edelson / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images) ⓒJOSH EDELSON via Getty Images
A building is engulfed in flames at a vineyard during the Kincade fire near Geyserville, California on October 24, 2019. - fast-moving wildfire roared through California wine country early Thursday, as authorities warned of the imminent danger of more fires across much of the Golden State. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County kicked up Wednesday night, quickly growing from a blaze of a few hundred acres into an uncontained 10,000-acre (4,000-hectare) inferno, California fire and law enforcement officials said. (Photo by Josh Edelson / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)
A building is engulfed in flames at a vineyard during the Kincade fire near Geyserville, California on October 24, 2019. - fast-moving wildfire roared through California wine country early Thursday, as authorities warned of the imminent danger of more fires across much of the Golden State. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County kicked up Wednesday night, quickly growing from a blaze of a few hundred acres into an uncontained 10,000-acre (4,000-hectare) inferno, California fire and law enforcement officials said. (Photo by Josh Edelson / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images) ⓒJOSH EDELSON via Getty Images
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