

이 블로거가 같은 날 찍은 사진 2장을 공개한 이유 (사진)

23세 영국 블로거 밀리 스미스는 인스타그램(@selfloveclubb)을 통해 연달아 찍은 두 장의 사진을 공개해 왔다.

먼저, 사진을 보자. 분명 같은 날, 같은 옷을 입고, 같은 사람이 찍었는데 사진 속 몸매는 매우 다르게 찍혔다. 단지 타이즈를 배 위까지 올려 뱃살을 감췄는지, 뱃살을 있는 그대로 드러냈는지의 차이다.

Same girl, same day, same time. ???? Not a before and after. Not a weight loss transformation. Not a diet company promotion. ???? I am comfortable with my body in both. Neither is more or less worthy. Neither makes me more or less of a human being. Neither invites degrading comments and neither invites sleezy words. ???? We are so blinded to what a real unposed body looks like and blinded to what beauty is that people would find me less attractive within a 5 second pose switch! How insanely ridiculous is that!? ???? I love taking these, it helps my mind so much with body dysmorphia and helps me rationalise my negative thoughts. ???? Don't compare, just live for you. There is no one on this planet who's like you and that's pretty damn amazing don't ya think. The world doesn't need another copy, it needs you. ???? We are worthy, valid and powerful beyond measure ???????? (If you don't pull your tights up as high as possible are you really human?)

Milly Smith ????????☀️????(@selfloveclubb)님의 공유 게시물님,

스미스가 이 사진을 공개한 이유는 무엇일까?

같은 사람임에도, 앵글/옷/포즈 등을 조금만 달리하면 사진은 큰 차이를 보일 수 있음을 알려주고 싶었던 것 같다. 우리의 몸을 인스타 속 수많은 몸짱 사진과 비교하며 완벽해 보이는 모습을 부러워할 이유가 사실은 없다는 의미다.

스미스는 캡션을 통해 "같은 날, 같은 시각, 같은 사람이 찍은 사진이다. 비포애프터 사진이 아니다. 체중을 감량한 게 아니다. 다이어트 회사의 홍보용 사진이 아니다."라고 말한다.

"당신만의 삶을 사세요. 지구상에 당신과 똑같은 사람은 아무도 없어요. 이 세상은 똑같은 사람을 요구하지 않으며, 그저 당신 모습 그대로이면 됩니다. 우리는 신체 치수보다도 더 가치 있고, 강력한 존재이니까요."

스미스는 사람들이 자신의 몸을 있는 그대로 받아들이길 바라며, 같은 날 찍은 '다른 사진들'을 공개해 왔다. 아래는 그 사진들.

It's been a while since I've done a posed vs relaxed but I know how many of you guys love them ❤️ . Both of these poses are beautiful. The media would try to tell me only one of them is but NAAHHHH because that comes from an ignorant, one-sided, profit making, beauty ideal that I AINT HERE FOR. . Our bodies move, grow and change shape all day everyday. It's been hounded on us for so long that only a still image in which we are posed and tensed is beautiful but it's simply not true... jiggle, rolls, fat, cellulite, extra skin (fanx pregnancy I love ya) are glorious, beautiful and REAL. . I could 'pose' all my photos, make myself fit a little better into the mould that society wants me to but then i would miss out on being my glorious self, further strengthen the hold the media's 'beauty ideal' has on us and put out a message I don't want to send... . Love yourself for who you are in this moment ❤️ . These are not control underwear, just high waisted briefs and my underwear set is from @bouxavenue

Milly Smith ????????☀️????(@selfloveclubb)님의 공유 게시물님,

I used to think my posed body made me more... Worthy of love. Worthy of happiness. Worthy of a good life. Worthy of friends. Worthy of self love. . I hoped and wished for my body to look forever 'posed' my glorious stomach sucked in, my boobs forever perky, my back forever arched, booty forever popping. . I've slowly come to acknowledge that HEY my body is damn beautiful at all angles, unflexed, unposed, unfiltered, just raw and natural me is enough and JUST AS WORTHY!!! . We get an 'idealistic' image of what we 'should' look like forced onto us daily. Images of slim, white, 'healthy', able bodied, toned, blemish/scar free etc etc etc and we desire and wish to look that way because... well, why?!? . WHY DO WE LET THEM UNDER OUR PERFECT SKIN!!!! NAHHH BOO. . You are perfect. You're perfect if you never looked toned. You are perfect if your body doesn't change in different angles. You're perfect if it does. Your perfect regardless of ANY aesthetic differences... You're just BOMB AF and NOONE can change that! . . Jeez for those speculating my tattoo is diff because I was facing the other damn way so I flipped the pic... Lordy! ITS A MIRRORED PHOTO LOOK AT THE TEXT ON THE TOP

Milly Smith ????????☀️????(@selfloveclubb)님의 공유 게시물님,

Just a same girl, same day, different pose reminder that our bodies look different in different angles and that it's perfectly ok, normal and natural. You don't need to look like anybody else but YOU ❤ ???? I get asked a lot recently how to start a Bopo insta page as they want confidence. I often come up with nothing because I'm not entirely sure I understand. ???? Are they asking me how to get started on a journey to self love or just how to start an insta page to get justification that their body is worthy in hope it will bring them self love? ???? Before I put my photos and words out onto Instagram I started my journey to self love with myself; I mean it's still a very personal journey but I want to share it now and help others too. I took photos and wrote down love notes to my body without showing them to a soul- it was just for my soul and my mind. ???? Starting an insta page could help you on your journey of course but your motives are what's important- know what they are before starting is my advice. Maybe do it off social media first and get a feel for your journey and what works/doesn't work for you and do it for YOU. Do it for your soul. Your follower count doesn't matter or make you more or less worthy. 10,000 people telling you your pretty wont bring about self love either. It's so much more than that and it starts deep inside yourself not with your aesthetics. Bopo isn't a 'trend'. ???? It's not about how many you can impress, you need to be impressing yourself. Make yourself proud.

Milly Smith ????????☀️????(@selfloveclubb)님의 공유 게시물님,

Same girl, same day, same time. I've been talking quite heavily about comparison/posed and photoshopped images on my page since the beginning. I can't stress enough that our bodies look different in different positions and we are only seeing one still image of the same kind of photos over and over, just a still snap of a body that moves, jiggles, dimples, swishes, bounces, rubs and wiggles! Our bodies are moving, our life is moving and we aren't here living to be still and posed. We are here to bend, crease, dimple, run, walk, roll, laugh and wobble! I used to check my body religiously. It was the first thing I'd do as I got out bed, I'd stand in front of the mirror and pose and distort my body as much as possible until I felt ok about it. I now walk straight past the mirror and remind myself that I don't need to check anymore as however I look in my reflection it can't and won't affect my mood, purpose, worth or happiness. You're amazing posed, you're amazing unposed. Your body is awesome and unique;there is no one in the world like you and that's powerful ????????

Milly Smith ????????☀️????(@selfloveclubb)님의 공유 게시물님,

Would you believe me if I told you there was 6 months between these pictures? How about 6 minutes and a bit of posing / smoothing of the skin on an app? ❌HINT❌: it's the second one. 〰 I could tell you I've restricted, spent every second in the gym and this is my transformation. Would you believe it? 〰 I could tell you I've been using a cellulite toning detox cream for a week and this is the result, would you believe me? 〰 I could tell you I've cut out sugar for 3 weeks and ran 12 miles a day and this is my transformation, would you believe it? 〰 I could tell you that I've eaten a certain protein bar for breakfast everyday along side shakes for lunch and this is the result. Would you believe it? 〰 I could tell you that I was depressed on the left and happier now on the right, would you believe it? I could tell you that I weigh less on the right, would you believe it? 〰 The reality of things we see are often so far from the truth. 6 minutes difference, same day, same girl just posed a smoothing skin filter used. 〰 Dont trust everything you see on the internet or in the media. Don't compare yourself, don't strive to be a fake image or anything other than your true authentic self for that matter. You rule as you are, do you, please you and live for you. Unfollow negative pages and surround yourself with love. You've got this, I've got this, we've all got this. ????We are strong, valid, worthy and powerful beyond measure.

Milly Smith ????????☀️????(@selfloveclubb)님의 공유 게시물님,

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