

모든 음부는 아름답다는 메시지를 전하는 일러스트레이션 시리즈(화보)

  • 박수진
  • 입력 2016.12.13 11:48
  • 수정 2024.04.03 15:22

'이상적인 아름다움'에 대한 고정관념을 깨려는 목소리가 조금씩 커지고 있지만, 인터넷 팝업, 버스터미널 화장실, 동네 산부인과에서는 (여전히, 그리고 예전보다 더) '여성 음부 성형수술' 광고들이 쉽게 눈에 띈다. '예쁜 외음부, 대음순, 소음순, 질은 원래 어떻게 생겨야 하는 것인지'를 설명하는 글과 그림이 물론 함께다.

'남자들이 좋아할 만한' 유두나 외음부를 만들라는 제품도 여전히 부끄러운 줄 모르고 판매대에 오른다.

네덜란드 출신 일러스트레이터 힐데 아틀란타는 thevulvagallery.com인스타그램을 통해 "모든 여성의 음부는 생긴 그대로 멋지고 아름답다"는 메시지를 전한다. 바로 'Vulva Gallery(음부 미술관)' 시리즈다.

'나 역시 10대 때는 "완벽한 외모"에 도달해야 한다는 압박감에 시달렸다'는 작가는 시리즈를 시작한 이유에 대해 허프포스트 미국판'사람들이 자신의 신체를 경험하는 방식을 바꾸는 유일한 방법은 그들 자신과 주위 사람들에게 자연적 다양성에 대해 가르쳐주는 것뿐이기 때문'이라고 설명했다.

아틀란타는 사람마다 다른 음부와 음순의 다양한 모양들을 하나씩 그린다. 때로 탐폰 실이 삐져 나와있거나 하트 모양으로 귀엽게 피를 흘리는 그림도 있다. 음모의 형태나 면도 유형도 다양하다. 트랜스젠더의 음부 그림도 있다.


Never feel ashamed of having your period. It's as natural as breathing and smiling ???? Be gentle to yourself, sleep well, eat well and be patient with your body. And regarding menstruaal products: there are many options, so take your time in choosing what fits your needs and body. As long as you choose what feels best to you ???????? And love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are ????✨#thevulvagallery #vulva #vulvas #period #periodpositive #pussypride #femaleempowerment #periodismo #menstruation #feminism #everydayfeminism #intersectionalfeminism #feminist #feminista #loveyourself #feministart #feministartist #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivemovement #watercolorart #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorillustration #labia #vulvaart #pubichair #pubichairdontcare #thehappyfeminist #hildeatalanta

A photo posted by The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery) on


✨I was recently approached by a sweet trans guy who asked me to draw more vulvas influenced by testosterone. This is the second illustration, showing effects of testosterone on a vulva • When a vulva-owning individual takes testosterone, their clitoris starts to grow. This can vary from 1 to 2.5 or even 3 inches (2-8 centimeters). The difference between a naturally large clitoris and one after taking hormones, is that the hormones cause the clitoris to be harder (more erect), and they tend to stick out of the clitoral hood a bit. They can look much like a miniature penis, with a head. Also, hormones causes pubic hair to grow thicker and longer. • I would like to finish this post by saying: thank you for your openness and for being so courageous in coming to me and sharing your story! It's very much appreciated ????????????#respect #thevulvagallery #hildeatalanta #vulva #vulvas #vulvaart #ftm #transinclusivefeminism #genderequality #freethevulva #feminism #everydayfeminism #intersectionalfeminism #feminist #feminista #feministpride #feministart #feministartist #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivemovement #selflove #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorillustration #labia #pubichair #pubichairdontcare #loveyourself #respecteachother

A photo posted by The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery) on


Yesterday I was interviewed about my gallery, and I was asked: "Why do we need to be more open about these things? Shouldn't we keep some things private?" My answer to this is: I don’t think education is about 'private' or 'public', it goes further than this. I think partly because we keep some parts of the human body so private, even in education, that this leads to a distorted picture of how a 'normal' human body looks. If the only times a young adult sees other vulvas, they see them on the internet (for example a pornographic image) their view on what a normal vulva is gets strongly distorted. They don't get to see diversity. The only way to change the way individuals experience their bodies is to educate them, and others, about natural variety. Showing them that there are so many different body types, in many shapes, sizes, and colours. That every body type is beautiful in it's own way. It goes further than ‘private’ or ‘public’; it’s about approaching the natural human body and how we experience it in a positive way again. ???????? Love your vulva, because all vulvas are beautiful just the way they are ????✨ #thevulvagallery #vulva #vulvas #vulvaart #vaginaart #femaleempowerment #girlempowerment #freethevulva #feminism #everydayfeminism #intersectionalfeminism #feminist #feminista #feministpride #feministart #feministartist #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivemovement #selflove #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorillustration #loveyourself #labia #freethepussy #pubichair #pubichairdontcare #thehappyfeminist #hildeatalanta

A photo posted by The Vulva Gallery (@the.vulva.gallery) on

작품들을 보다보면 알게 될 것이다.

당신의 음부도 아름답다, 어떤 모양이든 간에.

h/t huffpost

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